Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Module 10

Wiki's are websites that allow users to collaboratively create, use and view web pages. My only issue with Wiki's is the fact that if you are a member of a Wiki webpage you are able to add, remove and alter information as you see fit regardless of whether or not the majority of members of the Wiki agree with the information being changed. An example of this is Wikipedia. Wikipedia has the potential to be a fantastic educational resource aside from the fact that it is not considered a reliable source due to the fact that anyone is entitled to add/change the information on the webpage.

Nings are a form of social networking website which could also be used quite effectively in the classroom as a form of collaborative learning. My understanding is that to participate in Ning website activities you need to be a member of the webpage (just like with Wiki's). Therefore, if you set up and Ning and control who becomes a member of Ning webpage, then you would have an interactive webpage which can be used collaboratively by the class. This would then have a flow on effect as well in regards to teaching the boys, because being an active member of this educational Ning would also promote the appropriate way for students to interact on social networking websites.

Although there are still a number of issues which need to be addressed with Ning's and Wiki's I do believe they are both valuable tools that can be implemented in the classroom very effectively. Providing these webpages can be easily managed and the teacher has the full control of the domain and who can participate I can see both Wiki's and Ning's having a very promising future in the classroom.

How can Web 2.0 assist in improving learning outcomes for all students?

With the use of technology in the classroom vastly increasing in recent times and the knowledge that it is only going to continue to do so in the future, I feel Web 2.0 has greatly assisted me as a teacher in regards to knowing what resources are available online and how I can now utilise these to further focus on the learning outcomes for the students.

To begin with, the roll out of the laptops to most students means that each student should have access to a computer. This solves a big problem from the get go, which is access to a computer so these resources can be utilised.

Web 2.0 has informed me of a number of amazing resources which can implemented in the classroom. These include Blogger, Glogster, Wiki's, Ning's, and Delicious. Each of these has the potential to improve learning outcomes for students in the classroom if used appropriately.
I think Blogging is a fantastic tool which would promote collaborative learning amongst one another. This would give the students a chance to learn from one another as well as the teacher and it could be easily monitored by the teacher.
Glogster and are more creative tools which can be used by students to illustrate their knowledge of a particular topic or activity. The fact these tools are quite enjoyable to use will promote more effective learning for the students.
Wiki's and Ning's as mentioned above, providing they are managed by the teacher incharge can be a very effective and efficient tool to promote interactive and collaborative learning for the students, which would further ensure students are meeting their learning outcomes.
Delicious is a fantastic tool which can assist students with their learning outcomes as the teacher could bookmark any number of webpages that relate to a specific topic. This will further a students learning by reading through these webpages or completing activities relating to these webpages.

By incorporating these Web 2.0 tools into the classroom, the teacher would be catering for all students needs in a variety of ways. Each of these tools will assist in making learning an enjoyable experience for all students and in turn, this will go a long way in helping students get the most out of their education.

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