Monday, September 13, 2010

Module 7

Using an ICT tool like Delicious was a new concept to me and I am yet to be sold on it. I am not someone who really bookmarks that many web pages and nor do I see it as something I will necessarily begin to do.

I do however think it could be utilised with great success in the classroom.
For example, if you set up a delicious account and have each of the students set up an account, it could be a good way of assessing at students bibliography for an assessment. This would mean that each student could share in a good resource found by another student, and it could also mean a teacher could keep a close eye on what resources the students are using and whether or not the information in their assessment correlates with their resources as displayed on their delicious page.
Alternatively, it could be a great way for teachers from the same KLA's or possibly from different schools to share quality resources.

This is not a tool I would personally use but as a resource for school I think it could be quite effective.


  1. Hi Matthew, I like your point about using Delicious as a way to check students’ bibliographies. With the magnitude of information out there on the web, this would be a great way to monitor what and where students are getting their information from.

    Cheers, Amanda

  2. Fitz
    So far your Blog has been a very informative and descriptive tool. I have found the comments you have posted to be an accurate account of each module. However, a lot of the language you use is technical and it may be best to explain things in layman’s terms.

  3. Hi Matt, I agree with what you say about Delicious. I too don't really bookmark pages, but the only think that would be convenient is that you could get your bookmarks from any computer (say your's crashes - as you know mine has a few times this year....)
